Posts Tagged Javascript

Found: 6 posts

Building a Blog with Next.js App Router and MDX - Part 2: Tags

Setting up a tagging system in a dynamically generated, server-side rendered blog engine using Next.js's App Router (13/14+) and the MDX library.
Tags: Javascript, tutorial, Typescript, Node.js, npm, Next.js, markdown, MDX

Building a Blog with Next.js App Router and MDX

Walkthrough and code for a dynamically generated, server-side rendered blog engine using Next.js's App Router (13/14+) and the MDX library.
Tags: Javascript, tutorial, Typescript, Node.js, npm, Next.js, markdown, MDX, testing, Jest

Writing Idiomatic Code (starring Vue)

Some musings on refactoring with a nearly end-of-life UI library.
Tags: Javascript, refactoring, Vue2

Deploying a Next.js Website to a Virtual Private Server

Join me for a step by step walkthrough of deploying a Next.js website app to a Virtual Private Server.
Tags: Javascript, tutorial, Typescript, Node.js, npm, Next.js, devops, VPS, React, ssh, NGINX

Adding Cypress to an existing Angular project

Let's go through getting Cypress installed and set up with Angular, and mocking an environment for testing.
Tags: Javascript, Typescript, testing, Angular, Centricity, Cypress, end-to-end-testing

Maintaining Custom Forms for a Clinic

The story of my work building and maintaining custom forms for an EMR for a clinic.
Tags: Javascript, Typescript, refactoring, Angular, Centricity, career, AngularJS, MEL